Change is slow and in spurts around our house...
Tile was picked out, then picked out again, then picked out again by our contractor, who after all knows a lot more about tile than I do and probably should have done it in the first place!
I've realized that renovating a house is like having a second job.
We still believe that our home improvements will be finished by Christmas. I've not had a kitchen since October 28. I have very elaborate fantasies of baking and stocking the pantry and wiping down new, perfect, shiny granite countertops. I dream about making a pot of coffee.
All the while we are still doing school and ballet lessons and basketball practice and homework and church and Christmas shopping.
Our days are very full, mostly of wonderful things. But I long for the simplicity of making a cup of coffee, washing the mug, and putting it away in a clean cabinet.
Remind me to read this in a year, when I've forgotten.
Here are scenes from our home right now, under construction.